Greyhound's Unusual Sleeping Position Baffles Internet: 'Invisible Pillow'


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Jul 27, 2023

Greyhound's Unusual Sleeping Position Baffles Internet: 'Invisible Pillow'

A greyhound's unusual sleeping position is proving to be a topic of much discussion on TikTok. Wren the greyhound's owner took to social media on June 20 to share footage of the canine enjoying a

A greyhound's unusual sleeping position is proving to be a topic of much discussion on TikTok.

Wren the greyhound's owner took to social media on June 20 to share footage of the canine enjoying a sleep on a chair or bed of some description.

But while most dogs would look to maximize comfort by resting their head down, Wren prefers to sleep with her head just off the end of the canvas. As her owner put it, it's as if she's resting her head on an "invisible pillow."

Commenting on the clip, her owner described Wren's approach as a "variation on her broken neck sleeping position" where the dog's head dangles loosely off the side.

While Wren's sleeping position may be a source of amusement online, the position a dog takes when resting has been shown to be an indicator of something more significant.

In 2013, a study published in Applied Animal Behavior Science found that sleeping posture and the place where a dog sleeps can serve as an indicator of their overall welfare. For example, more-anxious dogs may adopt a position that allows for a quick escape.

Wren was adopted in December 2021, according to her TikTok bio. Though she may be a rescue, it would appear this greyhound is very happy and relaxed in her current surroundings, if the position adopted is anything to go by.

While Wren appears to be one very happy dog, most watching the video thought what she did was either hysterical or to be expected, given her breed.

"Why are they like this?" one viewer asked, with another writing: "no matter what bed the head is always off the side." A third posted, "you got to love her," with a fourth adding: "they seem to think this is comfy."

It would appear this approach is not exclusive to dogs either. "My cat does something similar on his cat tree," one viewer wrote. "I call it his neck exercise and I always wonder how it's comfortable."

Another imagined Wren telling herself: "So comfy time for a snoooooze."

Wren's not the first dog to leave the internet baffled with her sleeping position, of course. In April, dog lovers were left equally confused after a picture surfaced showing a Labrador sleeping with all four legs in the air.

In another instance, a puppy who opted to sleep with their "teefs out" had people in stitches on the internet. Then there's Yoshi, the bichon frisé, who insists on sleeping in her owner's bed "like a human."

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Do you have funny and adorable videos or pictures of your pet you want to share? Send them to [email protected] with some details about your best friend, and they could appear in our Pet of the Week lineup.