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Nov 07, 2023


InstaLinks : help you think beyond the issue but relevant to the issue from UPSC prelims and Mains exam point of view. These linkages provided in this ‘hint’ format help you frame possible questions

InstaLinks : help you think beyond the issue but relevant to the issue from UPSC prelims and Mains exam point of view. These linkages provided in this ‘hint’ format help you frame possible questions ina your mind that might arise(or an examiner might imagine) from each current event. InstaLinks also connect every issue to their static or theoretical background. This helps you study a topic holistically and add new dimensions to every current event to help you think analytically

Table of Contents:

GS Paper 2:

GS Paper 3:

Content for Mains Enrichment (CME)

Facts for Prelims (FFP)

Syllabus: International Relations

Source: TOI

Context: 19 nations including Saudi Arabia, UAE, Algeria, Egypt, Bahrain, and Iran have expressed interest in joining the emerging-markets bloc of BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa).

About BRICS:

Importance of BRICS for India:

Challenges for BRICS:

Way forward for BRICS:.


BRICS faces several challenges such as internal differences, global economic slowdown, and geopolitical tensions. However, the group can remain relevant by expanding its agenda to promote comprehensive development and enhanced cooperation among all states. BRICS should also focus on the democratization of international issues, respect for cultural diversity, and peaceful resolution of conflicts.

Mains Links

Discuss the importance of BRICS for India. (250 Words)

Prelims Links

Consider the following statements: ( UPSC 2016)

Which of the statements given above is/are correct?

(a) 1 only(b) 2 only(c) Both 1 and 2(d) Neither 1 nor 2

Ans: B

GS Paper 3

Syllabus: Manufacturing sector

Source: PIB, UNIDO

Context: The Department of Science and Technology in India has released the “National Manufacturing Innovation Survey (NMIS) 2021-22: Summary for Policymakers” to enhance the competitiveness of Indian manufacturing and increase its share in the GDP.

About NMIS:

Major Findings of the NMIS Survey 2021-22:

Recommendations of the Survey:

Mains Links

Q.1 “Industrial growth rate has lagged behind in the overall growth of Gross-Domestic-Product(GDP) in the post-reform period” Give reasons. How far are the recent changes in Industrial Policy capable of increasing the industrial growth rate? ( UPSC 2017)

Q.2 Normally countries shift from agriculture to industry and then later to services, but India shifted directly from agriculture to services. What are the reasons for the huge growth of services vis-a-vis the industry in the country? Can India become a developed country without a strong industrial base? (UPSC 2014)

Prelims Links:

(a) Coal production(b) Electricity generation(c) Fertilizer production(d) Steel production

Ans: B

Syllabus: Government Policies and Interventions for Development in various sectors and Issues arising out of their Design and Implementation

Source: TH

Context: May 1 is widely known as Labour Day/International Worker’s Day – a day to celebrate the contribution of workers worldwide.


The primary objective of Labour Day:

Current trends in the labour market worldwide: Three years after the COVID-19,

Indian labour market – Major issues:

In 1919, the ILO adopted the Hours of Work (Industry) Convention (British India ratified in 1921), limiting the number of working hours to eight a day and 48 hours a week.

The Declaration of Philadelphia (1944) restated the traditional objectives of the ILO and highlighted two new directions: the centrality of human rights to social policy, and the need for international economic planning.

The central government replaced the 29 existing labour laws with four Codes.

These Codes regulate (i) Wages, (ii) Industrial Relations, (iii) Social Security, and (iv) Occupational Safety, Health and Working Conditions.

eShram: This portal will help build a comprehensive National Database of Unorganised Workers (NDUW) in the country.

PM Shram Yogi Maan-dhan (PM-SYM): Meant for old age protection and social security of Unorganised workers.

Aam Admi Bima Yojana: Providing social security to unorganised sector workers.

How to prioritise social justice for a sustainable and stable future?

Conclusion: Social justice should be the keystone of labour reforms at the level of national, regional and global policies and actions. This will help in achieving equitable and resilient societies.

Insta Links:

New labour codes give a free hand to employers: Unions

Mains Links:

“Success of the ‘Make in India’ programme depends on the success of the ‘Skill India’ programme and radical labour reforms.” Discuss with logical arguments. (UPSC 2015)

Syllabus: Indian Economy and related issues

Source: TH

Context: The recent strike by Zomato-owned Blinkit delivery agents has once again brought to the forefront the issues plaguing the gig economy in the country.

Background: The strikes began when Blinkit slashed the minimum payout per delivery to Rs 15 per delivery from Rs 25.

The gig economy in India:

Issues faced by gig workers:

What is the proposed law for gig workers? In keeping with the National Commission on Labour’s recommendation to consolidate central labour laws, the Ministry of Labour and Employment introduced the Code on Social Security 2020.

Salient provisions in the Code on Social Security 2020:


Can judicial intervention be expected? A petition demanding that gig workers or platform workers be declared as ‘unorganised workers’ so that they come under the purview of the Unorganised Workers’ Social Security Act, 2008, is pending in the SC of India.

Best practices:

Way ahead for India:

Insta Links:

Gig economy

Mains Links:

How globalization has led to the reduction of employment in the formal sector of the Indian economy? Is increased in formalization detrimental to the development of the country? (UPSC 2016)

Source: TH

In Odisha, a group of young bonded labourers has formed a network called Shramavahini, which uses smartphones and social media to alert authorities and rescue fellow workers in distress. The network has over 4,000 members who report cases of distressed labourers requiring assistance from the district administration and concerned officials.

Aim: Shramavahini aims to combat the issue of migrant labourers’ voices going unheard by local administration by facilitating the rescue of distressed labourers as quickly as possible.

Usage: The example highlights the ethical values of empathy towards fellow labourers in distress; Social responsibility; collaboration with civic authorities etc. It can be used in ethics/Governance paper

Source: DTE

The Bihan Mela, or seed festival, has been initiated by the non-profit Nirman in the Nayagarh district of Odisha to help tribal Kondh farmers return to their traditional ways of farming, including mixed-cropping.

Working: The festival involves the exchange of indigenous seeds and serves as a platform for farmers to collect, store and share their native varieties of crops. The non-profit also set up a seed bank in Raisar village to facilitate access to indigenous seeds.

Aim: The Bihan Mela and seed bank aim to address the issue of crop failures caused by erratic rainfall and pest attacks, and to restore food and nutritional security to the region’s farmers.

Usage: The example can be used in Agriculture questions, questions related to Farmers’ Rights in the PPV&FR Act, 2001

Source: TH

The Rajasthan government’s proposed Rajasthan Platform-based Gig Workers (Registration and Welfare) Bill, 2023, which will introduce a welfare board, is a step towards ensuring the welfare of gig workers.

For Gig Workers, working conditions have become increasingly harsh, with gig workers not recognized as “workers” and lacking any social security or related benefits.

Usage: The example can be used as a legislative measure for new digital workers (Platform workers) as well as Gig workers in the Economy/Governance Paper

Source: TH

Context: Thrissur Pooram, a festival celebrated in the Malayalam month of Medam, took place with great fanfare.

About Thrissur Pooram:

Source: TOI


About Blue Holes:

Source: TH

Context: Scientists have discovered 19,325 new seamounts through new high-resolution data, adding to the 24,000 seamounts already mapped in a 2011 census.

About seamounts:

Source: TH

Context: The Indian government is planning to introduce a star rating system for water fixtures called Bharat Tap, which will include ratings of 3, 4, and 5 stars based on water efficiency.

About the Bharat Tap initiative:

Source: TH

Context: The Supreme Court of India has directed all states to register FIRs (First Information Reports) against hate speech incidents and proceed against the offenders without waiting for someone to lodge a complaint.

About Hate Speech:

Source: TH

Context: After a six-year absence, a group of lesser flamingos has returned to Pulicat Lake in Chennai

About the lesser flamingo:

Sociology/ Anthropology





Pub Administration

Physics/ Science and Technology




Errata: Quality control orders (10th April FFP section)

Under the section “What are QCOs?”, it was mentioned that “QCOs can only be challenged at WTO if they are imposed on grounds of health, safety…..”.

However, the correct sentence would be “QCOs cannot be challenged at WTO if they are imposed on grounds of health, safety…..”.

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InstaLinks : Table of Contents:GS Paper 2:India and BRICS GS Paper 3:National Manufacturing Innovation Survey (NMIS) 2021-22Labour Day Gig economyContent for Mains Enrichment (CME)ShramavahiniBihan Mela (Seed Festival)Rajasthan Platform-based Gig Workers BillFacts for Prelims (FFP)Thrissur PooramBlue HoleSeamountsHate SpeechStar rating system for water taps, and sanitary fixtures: Bharat TapLesser flamingosGS Paper 2 Syllabus: International Relations Source: TOI Context: Saudi Arabia, UAE, Algeria, Egypt, Bahrain, and IranBRICS About BRICS:TopicInformationBRICSfounded: 2009; HQ: Shanghai)world’s leading emerging economies,OriginBRIC”British Economist Jim O’Neill in 2001Share of BRICS41% of the global population24% of the global GDP16% of the global trade up 35 per cent of the global economyChairmanshiprotated annually amongSouth AfricaInitiatives of BRICSNew Initiative“new currency” systemde-dollarization (reducing dependence on the US dollar for trade)Importance of BRICS for India: ImportanceExampleGeo-Politicsbalance its strategic interests between the US and the Russia-China axis.Global Economic Ordershaping global economic policies Voice of Developing Nationsvoice of developing countriesTerrorismgalvanize its efforts against terrorismGlobal Groupingactively engage with China and resolve mutual disputesChallenges for BRICS: ChallengeExampleEconomic DivergenceBrazil and Russia have been experiencing economic recessionsSouth Africa’s economyPolitical DifferencesRussia’s annexation of Crimea and involvement in conflicts in Ukraine and SyriaChina’s territorial claims in the South China SeaInstitutional ConstraintsNew Development Bank (NDBfaced challenges in disbursing loans and identifying viable projectsContingent Reserve Arrangement (CRACoordination DifficultiesDisagreements over the governance structure of the NDB and the CRAExternal Pressuresprotectionism, nationalism, and populism in some advanced economies Way forward for BRICS:.ExampleReform of Multilateral InstitutionsUN Security CouncilResolve to Combat Terrorismshare best practices and intelligencePromoting Technological and Digital Solutions for the SDGs share their experiences in adopting and implementing digital solutionsExpanding People-to-People Cooperationorganize joint cultural events and exhibitions, establish more student exchange programsConclusion:several challenges such as internal differences, global economic slowdown, and geopolitical tensions Mains LinksDiscuss the importance of BRICS for India. (250 Words)Prelims Links Consider the following statements: ( UPSC 2016)Ans: B GS Paper 3 Syllabus: Manufacturing sector Source: PIB, UNIDO Context:“National Manufacturing Innovation Survey (NMIS) 2021-22: Summary for Policymakerscompetitiveness of Indian manufacturingshare in the GDPAbout NMIS:InformationNational Manufacturing Innovation Survey (NMIS) 2021-22Conducted ByDepartment of Science and Technology (DST)United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO)ObjectiveComponentsFirm-level surveysectoral systems of innovation (SSI) survey (in India Manufacturing Innovation Index (IMII)innovation, access to finance, resources, and information for innovationIndia Manufacturing Innovation Index (IMII),Follow-upfirst National Innovation SurveyAbout UNIDOspecialized agencyUNIDO’s Founding Members.Status of India’s Manufacturing Sectorgenerated 16-17% of India’sMajor Findings of the NMIS Survey 2021-22:FindingsDescription:Innovative firmsTop-ranked state in innovation (in IMII)Lowest ranked state Lack of finance from external sources as a barrierTriple-Helix model focusuniversities, knowledge-based institutions (KBIs), firms, governments, and hybrid organizationsRecommendations of the Survey:RecommendationExampleAwareness campaign for innovationCollaboration (Triple-Helix model focus)R&D program between universities, research institutesInnovation centresInvestmentventure capitalists and angel investorsFinancing government-backed loan programWorkforcePromote STEM educationtraining programsIndustry 4.0 technologiesfinancial assistance to firmsIntellectual property rights protectionstrong legal framework that protects patentsMains LinksQ.1 “Industrial growth rate has lagged behind in the overall growth of Gross-Domestic-Product(GDP) in the post-reform period” Give reasons. How far are the recent changes in Industrial Policy capable of increasing the industrial growth rate? ( UPSC 2017)Q.2 Normally countries shift from agriculture to industry and then later to services, but India shifted directly from agriculture to services. What are the reasons for the huge growth of services vis-a-vis the industry in the country? Can India become a developed country without a strong industrial base? (UPSC 2014)Prelims Links: In the ‘Index of Eight Core Industries’, which one of the following is given the highest weight? ( UPSC 2015)Ans: BGS Paper 2 Syllabus: Government Policies and Interventions for Development in various sectors and Issues arising out of their Design and Implementation Source: TH Context: Background:19th century – 1886 eight-hour workday Chicago, US.In 1889,In India May 1, 1923, in Madras. The primary objective of Labour Day:Create awareness about their rightsCurrent trends in the labour market worldwide: inflationReal wages have fallenIndian labour market – Major issues:Surplus labour forceUnskilled labour force:For example,Labour market imperfections:numerous labour lawsThe workers in the unorganised sector:93% Unemployment:Son of the soil doctrine: Labour reformsGlobalThe International Labour Organization (ILO)Hours of Work (Industry) ConventionThe Declaration of Philadelphiathe centrality of human rights to social policy, and the need for international economic planning.IndiaConcurrent List29 existing labour lawsfour Codes.These Codes regulateeShram:PM Shram Yogi Maan-dhan (PM-SYM):Aam Admi Bima Yojana: How to prioritise social justice for a sustainable and stable future?Policies and actions must be human-centredFocusing on ‘decent work’: SDG 8.Addressing the long-term structural transformations:new technology creates and supports employmentReinvigorate labour institutions and organisations:Review laws and regulationsCreating a global platform: a Global Coalition for Social JusticeConclusion:Insta Links: New labour codes give a free hand to employers: Unions Mains Links: “Success of the ‘Make in India’ programme depends on the success of the ‘Skill India’ programme and radical labour reforms.” Discuss with logical arguments. (UPSC 2015)GS Paper 3Syllabus: Indian Economy and related issues Source: TH Context: Background: minimum payout per delivery to Rs 15 per deliveryThe gig economy in India:nearly 23.5 million workers2029Gig workerPlatform workers Non-platform workersIssues faced by gig workers:falls outside the scope of traditional, full-time employmentlack basic employment rights‘employees’ or as ‘independent contractors’extent of control and supervision exercised by the employer integration of the worker with the organisationIn Indiacontract labourerscharacteristics of both employees and independent contractors What is the proposed law for gig workers? the Code on Social Security 2020. Salient provisions in the Code on Social Security 2020:t distinguishes between such workers and employeesmust frame suitable social security schemes for gig workers social security fundto be used for the aforementioned schemes.compulsory registration of all gig workers National Social Security BoardConcerns:gig work finds reference only in the Code on Social Security cannot create legally recognised unions and access a national minimum wageexcluded from accessing the specialised redressal mechanism right to collective bargaining Articles 14 and 21 forced labour under Article 23.Can judicial intervention be expected? gig workers or platform workers be declared as ‘unorganised workers’Best practices: UK Supreme Court Germany’s Singapore Way ahead for India:Insta Links:Gig economyMains Links: How globalization has led to the reduction of employment in the formal sector of the Indian economy? Is increased in formalization detrimental to the development of the country? (UPSC 2016)Content for Mains Enrichment (CME)Source: THShramavahinismartphonessocial media4,000 membersAimcombat the issue of migrant labourers’ voicesUsage:Source: DTENirman in the Nayagarh district of Odishatribal Kondh farmersWorkingexchange of indigenous seeds and serves as a platform for farmers to collect, store and share their native varieties of cropsseed bankindigenous seedsAimaddress the issue of crop failuresUsageFarmers’ Rights in the PPV&FR Act, 2001Source: TH Rajasthan Platform-based Gig Workers (Registration and Welfare) Bill, 2023,welfare of gig workersFor Gig Workersincreasingly harshworkerssocial securityUsageFacts for Prelims (FFP)Source: THContext: Malayalam month of Medam About Thrissur Pooram:Detailsannual Hindu templeVadakkunnathanTemplePooram starMalayalam Calendar month of MedamDatePooramOrigininitiated by Raja Rama Varma,Purposeten temples in and around Thrissur come together to pay obeisance to Lord ShivaKey FeaturesKodiyettamLast DayPakal Pooram”Significancelargest and most famouspooramsgrown to encompass all religious and cultural strainsSource: TOI Context: About Blue Holes: Information marine sinkhole or cavernColourWater CirculationSea LifeAn unfavourable environment for most sea lifeWhat are Blue Holeslarge, undersea vertical caves or sinkholesKarst formationcoastal karst platformsdissolution of soluble rocksDeepest Blue HoleDragon HoleOverall Largest Blue HoleSource: TH Context:About seamounts:InformationSeamountsFormationMappingImportancemantle composition and tectonic plate evolutionExampleEmperor SeamountsIndia’s contributionSARAL satelliteFranceSeamounts Vs Guyots Source: TH Context:ratings of 3, 4, and 5 starsAbout the Bharat Tap initiative: Detailscollaborative effortObjectivelow-flow, sanitary ware at scale and reduce water consumptionEstimated water savingBenefitsFormulated underAMRUT 2.0CollaboratorsAbout AMRUT 2.0five-year programin October 2021providing every household with access to a tap Source: THContext:all states to register FIRsAbout Hate Speech:TopicInformationDefinitionincitement to hatred primarily against a group of personsFormswords, images, cartoons, objects, gestures, and symbols,Current Status in Indiahas not been definedmischief or cause imputationsProposed LegislationSection 153C, and Section 505A in IPC to criminalize hate speech specificallyRise in Caseshuge increase in cases registered to promote hate speechPunishmentis not defined in Indian law.prevent prejudice and ensure equality.Hate Speech Vs Blasphemyprevent prejudice and ensure equalityblasphemycriticism of religionSection 295(A) of the IPC imprisonment for up to three yearsSource: TH Context:About the lesser flamingo:Informationsmallest species of flamingocarotenoid pigmentsSizeDietHabitatRangeConservation StatusFactsPortuguese, meaning “red goose”.About Pulicat Lakesecond-largest brackish water lagoonAndhra Pradeshbarrier island of SriharikotaSatish Dhawan Space CentreOptional: Sociology/ AnthropologyLM: The institution of marriage rests on equal partnershipTh: The right to marry is not absolute, laws regulate marriage, government tells Supreme CourtTH: The women’s reservation Bill cannot wait any longer AnthropologyDTE: What makes humans unique? 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Agriculture IE: Reimagining ration shops (Fair price shops should be upgraded ) by Ashok Gulati Errata can onlycorrect sentencecannotRead the DailyCA in PDF Format here:TELEGRAMHEREHEREOur podcast channelHEREHERETwitter AccountHEREInstagram AccountHERELinkedIn: HERE